
Travelling for your soul

Go on a journey with me and discover the infinite power that lies dormant deep within you.
Bring your body & soul back into balance
and learn to enjoy your life more than you ever have.

“An investment in travelling is an investment in yourself.”
Matthew Karsten

Between chaos and clarity
lies only a journey

The true journey will not be by aeroplane to an island.
It is the development that your soul will go through.

Recognise your own personal path - I'll show you how to walk it

Sometimes you get lost in everyday life. Sometimes you don’t realise it for a long time – until you no longer know the way to where you actually want to go. We take the time to find your perspective again.

Learn to listen to your gut feeling

Your inner voice is a powerful and reliable supporter in every life situation. Learn to actively listen to and understand your intuition – this will make many decisions easier.

Discover the power that lies dormant within you

You probably often have the feeling that your strength is exhausted and you simply can’t go on. Hopelessness, fear and uncertainty enter your life. I will show you how you can discover your true potential and draw strength from within to overcome such situations.

Direct your focus to positive things

In times of hopelessness, it is often difficult to recognise which things give you strength and which take it away. Together, we learn to focus on the energy-givers and get rid of energy vampires.

Get rid of old patterns that are not good for you

Habits are a nice thing, they give you a sense of security. But there are also behavioural patterns that do you no good. Learn to recognise them and actively get rid of them – also learn to build positive habits to steer your life in a more successful direction.

Get your spiritual toolbox

After the journey, you will have learnt many methods that you can actively integrate into your life. Utilise your own strength so that you are no longer dependent on external help.

After the journey, you will be equipped with a positive, success-orientated and
self-reliant mindset and be better able to master your life.

Why a trip is a thousand times more valuable than a seminar

I’ve attended them too often: self-discovery seminars that help me to work on myself. Crammed in with hundreds of fellow sufferers in dead air-conditioned exhibition halls. Thunderous applause for a Power Point slide. Wisdom and beliefs that I’ve already memorised from all the podcasts and free webinars. I could puke.

Imagine you’re travelling with a small group of like-minded people. Privately for you, but not alone. We deal intensively with your very personal topics. Only you’re not sitting on a plastic folding chair in a multi-purpose hall, you’re standing by the sea. Barefoot. Perhaps a little sea breeze is blowing towards you, you can hear the sound of the sea. Nothing separates your feet from the warm volcanic island soil. You can feel the last rays of sunshine of the day shining on your face as you reflect on what you have learnt today.

No pressure, no compulsion – not the feeling of freedom – but real freedom. Nothing compares to this state. And it is precisely this feeling that you take home with you as spiritual knowledge; it is yours for eternity. Nobody can take it away from you. If you’re not feeling well, you can visualise that exact moment – and everything will get better. No line of text, no PowerPoint slide – just nature, spirituality and you.

Upcoming journeys 2024/2025


18. bis 21. April 2024


3 Tage / 2 Nächte
Tauche ein in eine Welt der Selbstfürsorge und Entspannung. Mit inspirierenden Wanderungen zur Stärkung deines Selbstbewusstseins und Achtsamkeitsübungen, die dir helfen, wieder im Moment zu leben.


30. Mai bis 8. Juni 2024


7 Nächte / 8 Tage
Mystische Pfade Schottlands – eine Reise innerer Transformation mit der Kraft der Naturwesen


13. bis 16. Juni 2024


4 Tage / 3 Nächte
Unplug and reconnect with yourself as you indulge in daily yoga and meditation, traditional Mayan rituals, workshops, and optional tours. Allow yourself to be pampered with delicious and healthy meals


3. bis 12. Oktober 2024


10 Tage / 9 Nächte
Diese spirituelle Reise wird zu einem Weg der Selbstfindung, wo die keltische Geschichte und ihre Legenden eine Quelle der Inspiration für deine eigene spirituelle Entfaltung werden. Möge diese Reise


23. bis 30. November 2024


8 Tage / 7 Nächte
Erlebe eine unvergessliche Reise nach Teneriffa. Bringe Körper, Geist und Seele in Einklang.


16. bis 19. Oktober 2025


3 Tage / 2 Nächte
Tauche ein in eine Welt der Selbstfürsorge und Entspannung. Mit inspirierenden Wanderungen zur Stärkung deines Selbstbewusstseins und Achtsamkeitsübungen, die dir helfen, wieder im Moment zu leben.

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